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ShowVIC V3.01
Created by Matt Francis
ReqTools and PowerPacker by Nico François
Comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. to
This program comes with no warranty, either expressed or implied. The
author is in no way responsible for any damage or loss that may occur due to
direct or indirect usage of this software. Use this software entirely at
your own risk. Having said that, I'm a good programmer and I've tested
ShowVIC thoroughly, so I shouldn't think there will be any problems.
This software is freely distributable, BUT the ShowVIC program, the
ConvertFox program and all documentation are copyright 1993 Matt Francis.
The ReqTools and PowerPacker libraries are copyright to Nico François. The
sample pictures included are copyright to other parties, and are provided
simply to demonstrate the program. Permission is NOT given to re-release
the ShowVIC program and/or documentation if it has been altered in any way.
Permission is given to include the ShowVIC package in a public archive (such
as a BBS, FTP site or PD library) providing that all parts of the original
distribution are kept intact. These are as follows:
No charge may be made for the ShowVIC package, other than a *reasonable*
copying fee, and/or the price of the media.
Required: Kickstart V37 or above
ReqTools library V38 or above (supplied)
Recommended: PowerPacker library V35 or above (supplied)
PowerPacker (commercial) or PowerPacker mini-clone (PD)
Welcome to a major new version! ShowVIC converts and displays Commodore 64
hires and multicolour bitmaps. A number of different formats are supported,
which ShowVIC automatically identifies and converts. These are as follows:
- Koala
- Artist 64
- Art Studio
- Advanced Art Studio
- Image System (multicolour and hires)
- Blazing Paddles
- Vidcom 64 (currently multicolour only - see note at end)
- Doodle
- PageFox (indirectly)
PageFox pictures (160x200/320x200 only) can be converted to Koala or Art
Studio formats (as appropriate) with the enclosed ConvertFox program.
If you have PowerPacker (or the PowerPacker mini-clone) you can crunch all
your pictures. If not, don't worry as you will still be able to view
crunched pictures (providing you install the PowerPacker library). ShowVIC
was written in assembly language, making it small and fast (especially the
picture conversion).
ShowVIC has been tested on several configurations, ranging from a basic
A500+ running Kickstart V2.04 to a super-duper A1200 with the fabulous
Kickstart V3.0. It is totally OS compliant, as all Amiga programs should be
(discounting demos and action games :-). It works without problems for me,
and I hope it works as well for you.
ShowVIC can be started from a Shell or from the Workbench.
ShowVIC's screen has two menus, each covered in turn below. ShowVIC uses
Intuition's new menu-help feature, so pressing the help key while a
particular menu item is highlighted will cause an information requester to
appear describing the item's function.
Project: Open - Loads a C64 picture. The format will be
automatically determined (or else an error
requester will appear).
Save As - Saves the current image as a compressed
IFF ILBM file. The picture will be
320x200 with 16 colours. The current
palette is saved with the picture.
About - Opens a requester displaying, among other
things, the format of the current picture.
Quit - Exits ShowVIC.
Settings: Edit Palette - Allows you to change the screen colours
using the ReqTools palette requester.
Restore Palette - If you make a complete mess of the
palette, you can restore the proper values
with this option.
Title Bar? - Toggles the title bar (hidden by default).
Save Settings - Saves the current palette and the state of
the title bar. These settings will be
restored when you next use ShowVIC. (The
settings are saved as a standard prefs
file in ENV: and ENVARC: called
Finally, sending ShowVIC a CTRL-D will pop its screen to the front, ready
for use. If ShowVIC receives a CTRL-C, it will quit as if you had selected
the "Quit" option in the "Project" menu.
Porting pictures from the C64 to the Amiga can be done by using a C64
emulator or transfer program (for example TransNib, my generic parallel
transfer protocol). Picture files should retain their load address bytes
(the first two bytes of the file) and should be exactly the right length
otherwise ShowVIC will reject them (the correct lengths, and other
information, are given in "Formats.doc"). This won't usually be a problem,
especially if you rip pictures with Action Replay or something similar.
(BTW: Action Replay VI doesn't seem to save the proper screen colour in
Image System files, nor does it pad the filename properly).
Once you've ported a load of pictures, the best thing to do is to crunch
them all with PowerPacker (assuming you own the program - if not, get hold
of the PD PowerPacker mini-clone).
To make pictures look more like they would on a C64, make your monitor's
screen a bit narrower (if it'll let you), and stand back a bit. For
authentic results, view ShowVIC pictures on a crap television or through a
sheet of slightly frosted glass for that fuzzy "composite video" look. For
maximum nostalgia-factor, use ShowVIC in conjunction with PlaySID for the
ultimate C64 experience!
Unfortunately, Vidcom doesn't seem to store the screen colour in its bitmap
files. To get round this, ShowVIC takes the screen colour from byte 2026
($7EA), which is usually a zero (this offset takes into account the two
load-address bytes). This can be changed by loading the picture into a
binary file editor like NewZap or DekSid, and changing byte 2026 to a value
from 0 to 15. Vidcom, by default, uses a dark blue screen (colour 6) but as
byte 2026 is usually zero, Vidcom pictures will by default have a black
screen colour. Of course the best way round this is to avoid using the
Vidcom format - I recommend you use a format such as Advanced Art Studio or
Koala (the Advanced Art Studio format is the smallest).
One more thing about Vidcom is that it seems to use the same format for both
hires and multicolour pictures, making it impossible to distinguish between
them. For this reason, ShowVIC currently converts all Vidcom pictures as
multicolour bitmaps. If many people badger me (unlikely), I might add a
switch in a later release, so you can choose which mode to convert to.
Things to anticipate in future versions:
- An AppIcon to drop picture files onto,
- An ARexx port (to make slideshows, do batch conversion, synchronise with
PlaySID etc.)
- Support for more formats (Paint Magic, Amica, Page Fox (extended size),
Mouse and Cheese etc. Some of these formats support large pages sizes,
which ShowVIC will support by using a virtual screen.)
- An option to convert Vidcom pictures as hires instead of multicolour,
- Sprite slideshow (just kidding).
My thanks go out to the following people (in no particular order):
PT and GD for supplying me with C64 games to rip pictures from.
Pasi 'Albert' Ojala for information on the FLI format (and for his
interesting articles in C= Hacking).
Georg Schwarz for sending me loads of nice Koala pictures.
All the great comp.sys.cbm people who expressed interest in ShowVIC
(hope you like it now that it's finally released!).
Ron and Håken for PlaySID V2.1 (should've been a Commodity though :-)
All the other people who are keeping the C64 alive after all this time.
Nico François for the PowerPacker and ReqTools libraries, which make
life much more pleasant.
Jan van den Baard for GadToolsBox, which was used to design the
Intuition bits for ShowVIC.
Matt Dillon for producing an astonishing array of unique and
professional software (if you program the C64 and have an Amiga, check
out DAsm, his brilliant 6502 cross-assembler).
CygnusSoft for CygnusEd, the fastest, most stable and BEST text editor
for the Amiga (and, from what I've seen, for any computer!). And it
still works without problems on my A1200!
Commodore for brilliant computers which the competition just can't
V3.01 - Added on-line menu help. Made title bar shown by default. Other
minor changes. ByteRun1 compression added to IFF save routine.
V3.00 - Almost totally re-written. Added menus, palette requester, IFF save
and support for Doodle and FLI formats. Picture decoding is
slightly faster too.
V2.23 - Tweaked a couple of things.
V2.22 - Dependance on PowerPacker library removed. Added Kickstart version
V2.21 - Minor addition made to Workbench side of things.
V2.20 - File requester mode added for both Shell and Workbench invokation.
Minor cosmetic surgery performed on code.
V2.15 - Another minor re-write to incorporate ReqTools. Error reporting
from Workbench improved greatly. Rearranged a few things.
V2.10 - Minor re-write to incorporate Workbench support. Multicolour
conversion routines optimised slightly.
V2.01 - Added multiple files option.
V2.00 - Re-written for Kickstart 2.
V1.1 - Added support for hires bitmaps, pointer glitch corrected.
V1.0 - First release.